=== Character Statistics and Skills === This file describes your character. It discusses the attributes shown on the left side of the main window, the basic skills characters possess, and the various special immunities and qualities that characters may acquire in their adventures. It also tells you how to keep track of all this information. === Character Attributes Shown on the Left Side of the Main Window === Experience: Experience affects almost everything else about your character. As he kills monsters, casts spells and prays prayers for the first time, learns about an object kind by using it, disarms traps, and unlocks doors. Next: The amount of experience necessary for the next level. AU: Represents your current gold supply. Gold is amazingly handy, because everything the town can sell can be yours with enough of the stuff. Vital Statistics (STR, INT, WIS, DEX, CON and CHR): Your character has six primary statistics, or stats. The lowest any stat can go is 3, a level which greatly reduces any abilities that stat influences. Once a stat reaches 18, it no longer progresses in single increments but rather in percentiles - for instance, 18/04 or 18/220. The lowest "safe" figure for most stats is 7, but you can't expect any significant bonuses until the stat reaches 18 or higher. More information on individual stats is available below. AC: Armor class helps prevent you getting killed. It may be increased by equipping more and better armor, and by increasing your Dexterity. Hit Points: Each character has hit points, representing how much damage he can sustain before he dies. The maximum number of hit points is derived from race, class, level, and constitution. Hit points may be regained by resting, or by a variety of magical means. Mana: Each character has spell points, or mana, which represents how many spells a character can cast (or tunes he can play). Mana may be regained by resting or some rare magical means. === Stats === Strength: Strength is critical to fighting effectively in melee and with missile weapons. Increases in Strength increase damage, and allow players to get more blows with heavier weapons. Strength is also useful in tunneling and for carrying heavy items without being slowed down. Intelligence: Intelligence affects the spellcasting abilities of mages, rangers and mystics. For these classes, this stat will affect the number of spells they may learn each level, the number of spell points they receive, and the chance for spells to fail. Intelligent characters also use magic devices, pick locks, mix potions, and disarm traps more effectively. Wisdom: Wisdom affects the spellcasting abilities of priests, paladins, and mystics. For these classes, this stat will affect the number of spells they may learn each level, the number of spell points they receive, and the chance for or spells to fail. Wise characters also have a better chance of resisting magical spells cast upon them by monsters. Dexterity: Dexterity is a combination of agility and quickness. A high dexterity may allow a character to get multiple blows with lighter weapons, and will significantly increase his chances of hitting with any weapon and dodging blows from enemies. Dexterity is also useful in picking locks, disarming traps, and protecting yourself from some of the thieves that inhabit the dungeon. Constitution: Constitution is a character's ability to resist damage to his body, and to recover from stuns, poison, disease, cuts, and pure damage. Therefore a character with a high constitution will receive more hit points and also recover them faster while resting. Charisma: Charisma represents a character's personality and physical appearance. It affects the spellcasting abilities of bards, affecting the number of spell points they receive and the chance of their tunes failing. A charismatic character will also receive better prices from store owners, whereas a character with a very low charisma may be robbed blind. Finally, a high charisma will allow monsters that are magically calmed to remain non-agressive longer. === Skills === Characters possess various abilities which help them to survive and prosper. The starting abilities of a character are based upon race and class. Abilities may be adjusted by high or low stats, and some increase with experience level. Saving Throw: A Saving Throw is the ability of a character to resist the effects of a spell cast on him by another person/creature. This does not include spells cast on the player by his own stupidity, such as quaffing a nasty potion. Stealth: The ability to move silently about is very useful. Characters with good stealth can usually surprise their opponents, gaining the first blow. Also, creatures may fail to notice a stealthy character entirely. Fighting: Melee (hand to hand) combat depends on this skill. A character with a low fighting skill cannot hope to either hit monsters often or do much damage if he does. Shooting: Using ranged missile weapons depends on this skill. The higher the character's shooting ability, the more frequently he will hit his targets and the more damage he will do when he does. Throwing: Using thrown weapons depends on this skill. The higher your character's throwing ability, the more frequently he will hit his target. Disarming: Disarming is the ability to safely remove traps and pick locks on chests and doors. A trap must be found before it can be disarmed. Magic Device: The chance of succesfully using a magical device such as a wand, staff, or any activatable object depends on this skill. Searching: Searching affects the chance of success when actively looking for secret doors, floor traps, and traps on chests. Search Freq.: This determines the chance to find something when not actively searching. Digging: Digging is a tedious art, but characters with a higher skill may do it much faster than others. Alchemy: Mixing potions is a hazardous art, and without a high alchemy Skill it is likely to cause accidental explosions or no effect At all. Character who excel in alchemy may learn alchemical formulae by simply quaffing potions. Infra-vision: Infra-vision is the ability to see heat sources. It will allow a character to see any warm-blooded creature up to a certain distance. This ability works equally well with or without a light source. Many non-human races have innate infravision.